Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CTextAnywhereStatusNotificationHandles status notifications returned from TextAnywhere
 CArticleAn article in a newsletter
 CBounceStatisticStatistics for a single open of this message
 CClickThroughEventA Single Click Through on a particular link
 CContactDataThe class used to pass contact data around in an efficient manner.
 CContactUpdateResultThe results of a call to UpdateContacts
 CExcludedFontA font that is to be excluded when embedding fonts into the pdf document..
 CFaultThis class contains Fault Details for any errors that occurred while processing a particular service method. /summary>
 CFilterDefinition of a Filter that selects a set of Contacts out of the BYM database.
 CFilterExpressionCollectionA Collection of expressions to be used in building a filter.
 CIBYMServiceThe Main interface implemented by the BYM Web Service
 CImageAn image to be uploaded into the Image Manager.
 CInteractionThis class Encapsulates a single email sent to a single contact
 CInteractionEventAny significant event that occurs to the interaction
 CInteractionSummaryA Summary of the status of a particular message or newsletter.
 CLetterDataThis class provides the details of a letter so that the server can calculate a cost to be presented to the user.
 CLinkStatisticsClick Through Stats on a single link in a message or newsletter message.
 CLookupValueA possible value for a MultiValue or Single Value property. (Marketing Preference, Brand, ContactList)
 CMessageA Message within BYM
 CMessageSendResultThe result of sending an individual message
 CMessageStatisticsListClick Through Stats on a single link in a message or newsletter message.
 CMessageStatsClick Through Stats on a single link in a message or newsletter message.
 CNewsFeedDataContractAn newsfeed
 CNewsItemAn NewsItem
 CNewsletterA Newsletter within BYM
 COpenEventThis event is written whenever the email message is opened. There may me many of these as different email clients tend to request the images in a message more thn once.
 COpenStatisticStatistics for a single open of this message
 CPropertyDefinitionA definition of an available Contact Property
 CSettingA Brand Specific Setting. This contains the default value, together with any Brand Specific overrides.
 CSmsMessageAn Sms Message within BYM
 CSmsMessageCancelResultThe result of sending an individual Sms message
 CSmsMessageSendResultThe result of sending an individual Sms message
 CSmsRecipientResultThe result of sending an individual Sms message
 CTemplateA BriefYourmarket Template Definition
 CThumbnailAn NewsItem
 CUserA BriefYourmarket User
 CWorldPaySummary description for WorldPay